Welcome to Winter Greenhouse!

Winter Greenhouse is a popular garden center and nursery located near Hayward in Northern Wisconsin. We offer a large variety of high quality plants, including hardy perennials, annuals and vegetables, ornamental trees, evergreens, fruit trees, small fruits, shrubs, vines, roses, herbs, water plants, exotics, wildflowers & ornamental grasses. (See this year's new plants.) Hanging baskets and planters of every description, size, and shape surround the facility.

Based on 40 years of experience designing and growing the greenhouse display gardens, we also offer landscape design and installation services.

In addition to our retail plant offerings we sell a limited variety of smaller plants and garden items online. This list includes ground cover plants, smaller houseplants, succulents, plants for terrariums, quart sized shrubs and more.

Our mission is to bring an inspiring growing experience to all of our customers, while developing an increasingly natural and sustainable business that will serve future generations well.

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select distinct p.products_id, p.products_type, p.products_p_header_name, pd.products_name, pd.products_p_cultivar_name, pd.products_p_common_name, pd.products_sort_name, p.products_ideal_price, p.products_price, papm.products_stock_amazon_repricer_price, s.specials_new_products_price, if(papm.products_stock_amazon_repricer_price is not null, papm.products_stock_amazon_repricer_price, if(s.specials_new_products_price is not null, s.specials_new_products_price + ifnull(papsm.min_attrs_special_price, 0.0), p.products_price + ifnull(papm.min_attrs_price, 0.0))) as final_price, (pa.products_attributes_id is not null) as has_attrs, ifnull(papm.min_attrs_price, 0.0) as min_attrs_price, ifnull(papmx.max_attrs_price, 0.0) as max_attrs_price, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_quantity, ifnull(p.products_image, 'default.png') as products_image, s.specials_clearance, s.expires_date from (((((products p inner join products_description pd on (p.products_id = pd.products_id) and (pd.language_id = 1)) left join products_attributes pa on (p.products_id = pa.products_id)) left join v_products_attributes_prices_min papm on (p.products_id = papm.products_id)) left join v_products_attributes_prices_special_min papsm on (p.products_id = papsm.products_id)) left join v_products_attributes_prices_max papmx on (p.products_id = papmx.products_id)) left join specials s on (p.products_id = s.products_id) and (s.customers_group_id = 0) and (s.status = 1) where (p.products_status = 1) and (p.products_quantity > 0) and (p.products_date_added > (curdate() + interval -30 day)) order by p.products_date_added desc, p.products_item_number, pd.products_sort_name limit 0, 6